Chalk Board Style Hipster Holiday Posters
Hipster social movement is NOT responsible for the Chalk Board advertising style phenomenon, however strange that sounded. Instead, it’s first started by James Pillans, James Pillans, headmaster of the Old High School of Edinburgh, Scotland, wanting to offer geography lessons to his students that required larger maps, connected a number of smaller slates into a single grand field. By 1840 blackboards were manufactured commercially, smoothly planed wooden boards coated with a thick, porcelain-based paint. Between 2010 and 2015 Chalkboards are entering mainstream art, thanks to the movement that brought us back long beards, tight pants, pointy mustache. Yes, you guessed it…
So we all know it - It’s the hipster cultural phenomenon that’s swiping over the world and media with it. We can’t help it but to join the latest fashion / lifestyle / art craze and grow some pointy mustache. Well, maybe not that per se, but we can all contribute in the art department - You have to admit that those new (but old), simple (but well known) chalk-board styles don’t look bad. Now we even question our previous judgement of the same ones, done in the early 20’s and 30’s and ask ourselves how come that we never saw them as a magnificent piece of art which they were. Well, to us, it was just something “long gone”, a “blast from the past”, something to remember in literature and film. Well, I can tell you that those sexy chalk-board designs are back and boy - they look even older than the old, original ones!
Chalk is the new THING, we see chalkboard, menus, chalkboard price lists, chalkboard, invitations, and so on, and so on… Of course, the style, look and feel is drastically different, based on the art quality and talent. But hey, it’s just a black board and a white piece of chalk that kids use all the time. Piece of cake, right? I know you’re now tempted to buy the boards and chalks and to start swirling ribbons, anchors and pretty text lines. ANd you would probably give up after few hours, trashing the board, and the idea. But wait. What if I tell you that you can EASILY create your own Amazing chalk posters, price lists, menus, lists of services, invitations, flyers, etc. Yes, no design talent needed, no hard learning skills required. Thanks to the nice people that call themselvesScarab13, we are just in a treat for some downloadable pre-designed creative goodies in a style we all love to see - the new/old chalkboard art!
Head right HERE and take a look for yourself. It’s THE Place to start your decorative, artistic journey. Download the provided files, open them in Photoshop (yes, there is a free CS2 version you can download if you are one of those few people that still don’t have photoshop) and you will realize that the awesome results come standard, no matter what you do to it! It has all the elements pre-made, all the font lists are included, it all comes down not to your creativity (assuming that it’s not your biggest point) but to the message you want to spread. Just edit text, move things around if needed, turn “grunge” overlays on or off per will.. Just go ahead and try it, you’ll love it! And - at the end of the day, you will keep your hands clean! Also when you get hooked, don't forget to check over 360 Chalkboard elements, easy to use and combine in minutes. Fun for the whole family. Available for download from DownloadSoho.
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